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Polar Bear Express


When I was around 11, I had to stay with my grandparents. My mother, grandmother, little brother, little sister, and myself all shared the same room. It was crowded as hell! I stayed on one bed in a corner of the room near the window. My mother and little brother were on a smaller bed against the wall right above my head. My mother had a snoring problem...By problem I mean she snored so loudly that she could wake neighbors (kinda like a Boeing 747 in your living room). It was HARD to get to sleep. I always had to get to bed just before she did or it wasn’t happening!!


I later found out that if she fell out before I did, I could throw a small stuffed animal at her to wake her up just enough to fall asleep. The stuffed animals were always kept in a cardboard box we had right between the beds. My little brother caught me throwing one and thought it was a good idea. The next night the aggravation train was right on schedule! My little brother started tossing and turning...Then he just started crying. I couldn’t sleep, my brother obviously couldn’t sleep.. Then my grandfather all the way on the other side of the house started cursing through the walls!


I could hear him in his raspy old voice "Oh Goddamn Why Wont You Shut Up" It was funny, but I was starting to think about that scene from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest when Jack Nicholson was smothered to death with a pillow by that big ass Indian. I couldn’t help but giggle like Renfield from Dracula. I was just about to grab the pink stuffed pig when my little brother took it upon himself to find peace. He stood up in the bed holding the biggest animal in the box! It was a polar bear about three feet long, it had those large glass eyes and big plastic nose. In the dark I could see the eyes glaring (On both the bear and my brother) He was wearing his Ninja Turtle underoos and looked kinda like Mogli from the jungle book. Either way he was pissed off! He held the bear like a Samurai and I could hear his little teeth grinding...(Literally I did) as he quivered out two words..."Shut Up" , almost like a whisper. But with alot of rage and hatred in it.... He slammed that bear down with so much force it sounded like someone breaking the rack at a pool game. She jumped clear up out of bed screaming! SON OF A BITCH!! And just started whipping the living hell out of him. Apparently, the plastic nose hit her dead on HER nose. Right on the inside bridge making a loud clacking sound when it hit.


I have never seen my mother, or anyone for that matter stand up from a dead sleep directly in the bed before that night. But I can't remember ever having such a quiet nights sleep like I did that night either........ Except for my little brother........He was sniffling all night (He got his ass beat!)

Copyright 2012 CAiiN"s World. No Animals were harmed in the making f this site, though animals may have been hurt in these videos. If so, blame them!

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