Richard Tillman o_O
Strange thoughts and crazy observations
Crazy Legs
When I was about 15 I was at a football game with some friends of mine. One of them just happened to be in a wheelchair. He was paralyzed from the chest down, but it never stopped him from anything. He always insisted on doing everything the hard way...Including sitting at the top of the bleachers when we went to the games. Anyhoo... We got into this discussion about paralyzed people and how much they tend to feel like they are heavier than everyone else. Something about dead weight?
My friend suggested that because he is paralyzed he actually is heavier and harder to lift than the average individual of the same weight. Physics may not be my main subject of expertise, but I think I know total bullshit when I hear it, to me a hundred pounds is still a hundred pounds. Crippled or not im gonna lift his ass! So me and my other buddy get on either side of this poor soul and grab him by his legs. The entire time we are getting taunted by him saying it isn’t gonna happen and shit. Like he fancies himself a superhero or something ( IT'S HANDYMAN!!) Hes not handicapped...Hes handy capable! Haha
So as we lift him up out of the chair, Bear in mind he was wearing a loose set of jogging pants?? Why...I have no-idea. But he lifted, and just as he cleared the back of the chair...Remember this poor bastard is still paralyzed....He fell backwards off of the freakin bleachers! We were at the top and he went straight to the ground! It kinda looked like a kite, one of those old fashion ones with a long tail. Just as it starts to fall, the tail just flaps all the way down.. He hit the ground and folded like a sheet! Don’t worry im sure it didn’t hurt too bad.. At least from the chest down that is? He could have set his legs on fire and threw darts at his feet.. wouldn’t feel a thing! Im going to hell...I know! As soon as he hit, this old woman started screaming at the top of her lungs, then everyone was staring at us....Oh shit!
The paramedics came, the cops came, everyone from halfway around the county came...All because a crippled kid wanted us to pick him up. The EMT was asking him if he could feel it when he touched his foot??!! Im thinking (He couldn’t before? How could possibly feel it now?) They didn’t realize he was like that BEFORE he fell. He lifted his head and started laughing! He is the man! All he had were a few scratches on his hands and face, plus a little grass and dirt in his mouth...Other than that he was cool,Oh yea, his jogging shoes got all scuffed up too!! LoL... They still banned us for the rest of the season, but it was worth it. I said it before and ill say it again...A hundred pounds is a hundred pounds!! Just watch how you lift it..